
Showing posts from August, 2020

Robotic Debanding - Preventing Work Place Injuries

  Are you concerned about the possible outbreak of Avian flu among humans? You should be! Fortunately, all of the publicity about bird flu will be false alarms, but the worst thing that none of us could do is ignore it and hope it vai far as they can not and one shudders to think about what could happen if you never change it can spread from human to human. Let& 39;s have a look at what we know so far on Avian Influenza: First all, Avian influenza has not yet mutated and there is no need to panic, but certainly there is plenty of reasons for concern and a need to be vigilant, because the flu could easily mutate to one that is spread by humans - and is the very nature of the virus to mutate. We should also be aware of the fact that the world is due to another outbreak of a widespread and dangerous influenza epidemic of the kind that seem to occur on a regular basis about every 30 years. If Avian influenza is a mutation of a human influenza and It is even partially as deadly as some